in association with
Blue Carbon Offset


As the Decade of Ocean Science begins, our key report covers how ocean business can contribute and how science can contribute to business's sustainable ambitions. Our aim is help business better understand the business case, application and ROI of technology & innovation so we can accelerate the rate of change the sector requires to meet SDG14 goals.

  • Slide title

    What is the potential of the ocean business community to contribute to the Decade?

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    What is the opportunity for business to contribute to scientific research?

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    What is the business case and ROI for technology investment?

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    What is the Ocean’s potential to respond to global challenges such as climate change?

To find out more...


John Ridley
Founding Director
Ocean Nourishment Corporation

As the climate crisis deepens, we will have to familiarise ourselves with negative emissions.  To avoid the worst climate scenarios we will need negative emissions to remove legacy carbon from the atmosphere at a scale equivalent to the current oil and gas industry for decades to come.  The sooner we start the more chance we have of preserving quality of life for humanity and avoiding climate tipping points and further ecological collapse.

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John Alonso
Technical Analyst of The GloFouling Partnerships

The transfer of non-indigenous species from one habitat to another is one of the main threats to biodiversity, particularly when transferred species adapt successfully to their new habitat and become invasive. The GloFouling Partnerships aims to address this by protecting biodiversity and providing solutions to prevent the transfer of invasive aquatic species through marine biofouling, such as innovation networks...  

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Jack Dyer
Founder at Blue Economy Future

A surge of interest has emerged in social, environmental, and economically sustainable “blue economy activities.” This is increasingly perceived to be the next future investment horizon among many emergent stakeholders.

Over 90% of international trade depends upon ocean supply chains. As globalisation increases, more stakeholders are becoming interdependent and influenced by numerous disruption risks.

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Feature Article

A feature article could be an opinion piece from your board of directors or key spokesperson, an interview with someone in your business, a research report, a White Paper, or similar editorial content that falls under one of these Blue Economy themes: 

• Strategic considerations: challenges and opportunities

• Governance, legislation, regulatory developments and impact

• Finance, investment and environmental assets

• Pollution, carbon management and blue carbon

• Resource management and supply chain

• Emerging technology applications and ROI

• Ocean science, earth observation and climate change

If you are not sure that your chosen topic will be suitable, please contact us.

Text: The article’s source text should be maximum 1500 words long and drafted in English in a Word document ready for editing by ZENOdmc. Alternatively, the ZENOdmc editorial team can create your article from existing source information (e.g. a PPT presentation, press release, White Paper, etc.).

Graphics/Audio: ZENOdmc requires image files of, or links to, any relevant brand and agency/partner logos; up to three images about the topic, plus a picture of the author(s) with their name(s), job title(s) and company name(s); links to websites (e.g. YouTube) hosting relevant video or audio files.

For further information about participation simply get in touch with us.

Find out how we can help your communications and digital marketing campaigns, submit a paper for publication or point you in the right direction - we'd love to tell you more about our industry report planning for the Decade of Ocean Business.

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 Influence, disrupt and provoke the Blue Economy debate.

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